The Great Ark Read online

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  “Gentlemen,” He bellowed. “The Holy Scriptures of God does not hide riddles for cunning men to figure out or reprocess in any way. Scripture is plain spoken and easy to understand words for life. These words come straight from almighty God. Scripture does not need a lot of long drawn out interpretation or explanation by wise professor types like me. Read it for yourself. Find your own salvation with fear and trembling. All scripture is given for and is good for both study and reproof. Jesus Christ is Lord! Say it with me again. Jesus Christ is Lord! He is the way to truth and life. No one comes to the father except through him. His word and our study tonight of it is an important thing to do. But knowing him and his will for your life and being obedient to his will is even more important than the knowing of his word. I believe in, and on the Holy Trinity and the necessity to test every spirit. Every spirit that proclaims that our Lord Jesus Christ came in the flesh, was born of a virgin, was crucified dead and buried and on that third day rose from the dead, defeated hell and the grave and that old serpent is of God. He redeemed men from sin, and all that who so ever calls upon his name, comes to him as a child, and who has a soul that is born again will be heirs with him in his mighty riches and glory. I have salvation from death, and eternal life with Christ Jesus! Do You? My friends I bring to you a history lesson tonight, a history lesson and my own theories based on ancient sand script writings and scripture. But my only obligation to you is to preach Jesus and he crucified. I love history, but studying history will not get you to heaven, but it can deepen and enrich your faith. I pray that I point you to Jesus, he is the way. Getting on your knees right now is a good start. Seek his power and knowledge in your life. Lord Jesus be glorified not myself here tonight, for the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. For years I’ve heard Bible scholars speak double talk about basic biblical truths. They like to bend the Bibles simple words to suit their own small minds and narrow point of view. Men would dare to say that Israel did not really mean Israel that Babylon did not really mean Babylon, that drunk on the blood of the saints was only figurative, or one can not take the Bible at face value. Friends I’ve found that God’s word is true, and every man is a liar! The Bible meanings are clear. God does not stutter or beat around the bush (sorry Moses). Friends I’ve been called a lot of things by many well meaning saints, simply because I stand on the simple word of God. I believe that when the Bible says Persia, it means Persia. When Holy Scriptures say “to the East” they mean “to the East”. When it says Israel it means Israel. And guess what! When the Bible says “Sons of God” It means “Sons of God” each and every time. The meaning of “Sons of God” does not change from this verse to that verse as many so called Bible teachers pretend. Let me ask you a question brothers and sisters in Christ. What do you believe life on earth during the one thousand year Kingdom reign of Jesus on Earth will be like unto? During this time, before the New Jerusalem comes down, Lord Jesus will rule from Jerusalem. After one Thousand years, God will make everything new. Will there be honest work, trade, or justice in his court. Will there be any slavery or counterfeit money. Of course not! Jesus compared his coming again to the changing of the seasons. What do seasons do! They repeat! Will you have a job in the Lords Kingdom here on earth? Adam had a Job! Does God change his ways? “No” Will we do anything for ourselves, or others. Is this a silly question? Many people believe that God will simply zap everything during his Kingdom reign. They believe that work is not of God. This simply is not true. God is attracted to weakness, he uses us or (lets us work for him) as a gift to us. We will be full heirs with him in Glory. Humanist ungodly foolish men claiming wisdom tell us that resources are in short supply. God told us to be fruitful and multiply, that the blessings of God are beyond our human understanding. Who do you believe might just be right, God or Al Gorey and Osoma. Look into the Heavens with what we call powerful telescopes and see your answer. We can not out build, or out multiply God! The old angel Lucifer was thrown down to earth. He tries to copy and imitate. He wants to be like God, Yes to be like the most high. The Angel with the help of men was trying to reach for God way back in the times of the tower of Babel, just like the spaceport leaders say’s in their brochure today. “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be. Look at our space station compared to the New Jerusalem in the Holy Bible. It’s very hard to beat God when it comes to a space station isn’t it? We mortals can not imagine all the wonders, the gifts and the power of almighty God. For years I’ve been told that the phrase “sons of God at the beginning of the Bible and the “sons of God at the end of the Bible (that we become) and the ones in the book of Job each mean different things .Why would anyone of sound mind believe or make up such nonsense. God is not given to double talk. I believe simply that when God says, “sons of God,” he means “sons of God,” each time he speaks it. Unless the book plainly states something different, why not believe the Book? I stand on the fact that God knows what he’s talking about, even if I don’t understand it all. Just who are these “sons of God?” They are clearly men of flesh and blood like you and I, who have and can mate with humans here on earth. Angels are not given in marriage we are told, and sons of God are spoken of separately from the angels in scripture. In the Bible “Sons of God” work for God and report directly to God. They are governed directly by God just as we will be in the kingdom of God here on earth. In fact we become or will be called “sons of God” ourselves. We saints become men who are in the condition of being full heirs with Christ Jesus. We will be with Christ during his thousand year reign from Jerusalem and then in the New Jerusalem when the Earth will be made new. Is the New Jerusalem heaven? Or will saints be in “the heavens” long before that during the earthly reign of Jesus. What might we be able to get done in a thousand years on earth with Jesus himself teaching and showing the way? Will Jesus be concerned, or worried about population control, or global warming? I think not! We will be living in new glorified bodies like King Jesus. Can we pretend to even imagine? Jesus stated plainly that he has many flocks; (plural) that we do not know of. Men have questioned this. I don’t question the Lord. Who are we to do so? Are these unknown flocks in the same zone, or even in the same realm, are they on earth? Truth is only that they exist and we “don’t know” of them. Our holy Bible states plainly that God created everything, also that the days since Adam started is about six thousand years ago, and that one day soon everything will be “made new” again. That every mountain will be moved and there will be no more sea. This New World starts and we go with Jesus all after the one thousand year reign of Jesus here on earth. Saints live in the New Jerusalem not needing the sun or the moon or stars. Is this world our first, second, or third time around, would we know? Modern science claims they have found very old bones, and fossils in the earth. Jesus speaks knowing the end of this age as the knowing of the coming of the seasons. What do seasons do? We know of course that they cycle, that they repeat. We know that the angel tries his best to imitate God. To take God’s place and that he wants to go “to the heavens” as of the most high. Maybe that’s what God does, this appears so. We also know that God uses his “son of God” who report back to him as they did in the book of Job. We also know that “sons of God” are of flesh, and are something other than angels. Maybe if Moses said that something flew before them that shinned like burnished brass dah, maybe it did. When Abraham said he talked to “three men” who ate with him, who were of God, and talked to him about God! Maybe Abraham was not a nut, and told the simple truth. Moses told us that no man could see God’s face and live. Jesus said that God the father is a spirit to worship him we must do so in spirit and truth. Jesus was and is God made flesh. Who were these men Abraham talked to? Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world, that he came from heaven.

  When God, took animal skins and made Adam and Eve clothing, did he do so by zapping or speaking them into being or was there a process? Could he have ordered his servants his angels, or his “sons of God” to make them? I do not know how God made the clothes, it does
not matter. The book of Job does tell me that the “sons of God” rejoiced at God’s creation, and that they took wives of earthly women. They are not angels and not Gods, but report to God. One day the Bible says that we saints become and are called “sons of God.” I do know for sure that God uses weak, broken and very imperfect beings to accomplish his will. I know this because he uses me. Just like an earthly father training up and then turning over his work to his son, God must limit himself in order to give me work to do. If God has used you as a tool in this world then you know this truth already. I pray that my God allows me to work for him through out eternity, maybe by sewing some skins together for another Adam and Eve in a different flock, in a different season somewhere in his endless infinite universe. God has never needed my help, or anybody else. God backs out and empowers you and me only by limiting himself. He gives jobs over to us because he loves you and I. God has to use and employ weaker vessels than him self simply because he is the almighty. God could have zapped my lecture into your minds tonight in a moment if he wished to do so. God would have done a perfect Job, I have not, but I have done my best. Praise his Holy name My God has allowed me to speak of him, allowed me to work as his servant. This is the highest honor and blessing given to any man. Friends my point is not complicated. The sons of God in Genesis are the same ones as the sons of God we become in the end! I plan to become a “Sons of God”, a joint heir in Christ! Do You? If you are here tonight and don’t look forward to being sons of God then you are not a saint of God, You are not a born again Christian. You have no place in Gods coming kingdom. God has no half price ticket. We are either a full heir with Jesus or lost and without God. Yes Jesus told the truth about hell and damnation. Jesus made this point clear. Saints are not perfect, but become perfect only by being washed in the blood, and redeemed by Christ. Sons of God are not Gods, they are not perfect when they report to God they sometimes need correcting. Their work is not always easy, but they do have the peace of walking and communing with God. God of course also has angels in his heaven, God can build and use as he wishes. God has only one begotten son. Jesus Christ is a name above every name. We are adopted into Gods family. His spirit dwells in both Saints and “Sons of God”. I believe God had “Sons of God” working for him back in the time of Genesis.

  Many so called religious leaders laugh at me, many also condemn me and my so called aliens, or space men of the Bible. I say believe God, not me, do not limit God. Why did Jesus say to his disciples? Do not stop them from preaching just because they are not of us. If they are not against us then they are for us. How many seasons of man has there been? How many flocks are out there? How many times has God made everything new? Jesus did so much for us even during his time in the tomb. He defeated hell, and the grave. Then he ascended (in the flesh) to his father. What about these other flocks, are some of them already “Sons of God” as we will be one day. Could some of them still be in the Garden of Eden? Look into God’s heaven. I do not pretend to know for sure. Will God condemn me for asking foolish questions? Suffer me the fact that Jesus may have many worlds, or flocks, that we are not alone in this universe. If the story I found in sand scrip writings be true history or be fiction or a story from hell, I know not. I am not a wise man, just a saint working out my own salvation with fear and trembling before God.

  The story I discovered is one of the En’s, Gods workers in Eden. These “sons of God were relatives to Enos, Enock, and Ephraim. They looked for a place, a temporary base or home. A land on earth that was separate and defendable if necessary from early man, who was now out of the Garden and separated from God. They did not want to be too far from “The City” the rock. The sight of their first landing, Jerusalem! Their time on earth was known to be ending but they had not been picked up. God would not always strive directly with man. Man now had to be redeemed. Genesis 6-3

  My spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is also flesh! Yet his day shall be a hundred and twenty years!

  Another group of God’s early workers or “Sons of Gods” came to live and work in the South Seas, the Isles of the South Pacific. God was not pleased, he had this group leave first, and did not let them abide as long in the Earth as did the En’s, up in what is now called England. The En’s picked what is now the British Isles for their short season of stay (over a hundred years). These ancient workers for God were ruled by and worshiped God. They were not Gods nor were they angels. They were imperfect men who walked with God, just as you and I will be one day in the one thousand year long reign of Christ from Jerusalem. They were working for God in this realm just as angels fight battles, and work for God in the spirit plane. Some were the founders of ancient Egypt. The sons of God have boundaries and they do make mistakes. They report to God and some do better than others, this is for some reason part of God’s plan. How were Pharaoh and his priests able to “keep up” with Moses and Gods plagues, against Egypt? The first four they repeated also, that was pretty good I think! What does the math of the basic pyramid shape say to us? The Great pyramid had a two fold purpose. It is or was a giant water pump. The very top was not all stone like the rest. When a fire was lit a huge siphon was started. The high water of the Nile in flood season came right up to the Sphinx. From there it was pumped to a high under ground cavern and pumped back to the sphinx during the growing season. This food supply plenty helped kick start the early Egyptian culture. The early pharaohs were En’s and half breed En’s and God was not happy with them The other two pyramids did not pump water they were built by later generations as a star map, much later after most decedents of the original En’s were gone! If America knew and could see under the great desert of Africa, and what all is covered with sand, then they would know that God is their only keeper, and is where all blessings come from. America could be in a same like desert in a very short time.

  The En’s were wise to pick Ireland and England for their stay. The channel the cliffs of Dover the fall back position of Ireland with its back against the raging North Sea, still works today. England’s natural defend ability has saved them in modern times just as it did in ancient wars. Yes Syria, and the Islamic world fighting Jerusalem and England both goes way back to before recorded time. History is waves of time repeating reflections of its self always coming back full circle like the circle of fifths.

  Look at chapter six for the math of the pyramid, and also the six pointed Jewish star. The seven spheres in a plane (with one at center) plus the six needed to form the sphere when placed in a plane form the Jewish Star. The Jewish star stands for God becoming a man, from a perfect sphere six balls join the plane to form it. This is Gods covenant with Abraham. The math of the pyramid is of man and the Carbon Atom. Look at the simple three sided triangle, and the true four sided pyramid built of the closest stacking of spheres………..Cornelius started dozing off.

  The lecture lasted over four hours, I went to the bathroom during part of this stacking billiard balls part. I was never very good at math anyway. I have tried to read the part about the number twenty six and the golden mean squared approaching it but never getting there. I still don’t understand the math. The Golden mean is about 1.614, it comes from ratios in the Bible, the Ark, the temple, etc. I didn’t buy professor Whitt’s book that evening but Tommy Mute did. I did buy his book later, on another island. I then would buy two in fact. I hope you are smarter than me on this math stuff, although I do get part of it. Sometimes we just don’t know the basics! After the lecture I walked by myself through Pearl Harbor. I had to get away from loud Lou Goodliar for a while. I needed some solitude to keep my own sanity. I enjoyed the professors preaching, he did get me thinking but being in a crowd gives me the creeps after awhile, if you know what I mean. I strolled along the Harbor water front just taking my good sweet old time, and enjoying the fresh air. My eyes soon gazed upon one of the most beautiful sail boat yachts I’d ever seen. The type that is so big you wonder how they manage to sail her. As I drew closer oh how majestic she stood, and so close to the sho
re. At the pier now I could see the boats stern. The name Windy was written in fancy gold script! I stopped in my tracts. I knew this boat from Sydney! I also heard a loud voice calling “Cornelius.” A tall guy smiling with a drink in his hand was waving for me to come aboard.

  I walked out on the pier and up the ships gang plank where an old friend met me at the top saying “Welcome aboard Cornelius.” He was Seaman’s First Mate Franklin A. Donner. We were shipmates from way back in the old U.S. Navy days. Bo and Don Dave the Hogg Lady, one of the Johnston twins, and even a son of professor Whitt were all on the sail boat having a party. Franklin served very good food. Most people at the party, just like Daniel and Double De had all been at the Coe estate in Australia. They told me that Ann’s kids had just left, so had Ralph from the space port! Wow! What a party, they poured lots of red wine. Bo and Don sounded great! Mike and Greg from the flight in the outback were both playing music with Bo and Don. This was crazy, I thought to myself! I know all of these people, what’s the odds of that I wondered?

  After partying many hours into the midmorning’s night, I stumbled my way down the harbor towards the Great Ark. My mind was spinning, not only from red wine and professor Whitt’s lecture, but now all those people on Frank A. Donners big sail boat. This ole’ Cornelius was very glad to be off duty in the morning. I would need the time to sleep in. Partying with Bo and Don can wear a person out. Sometimes you just don’t know. Maybe life is just like the number twenty-six, maybe I would never understand all this stuff?

  One full day later the Great Ark set sail leaving two months before the great name change. Pearl Harbor would be renamed the Osoma Islamic Bay Bird Refuge. I wondered if I would ever make it back this way again. The ship now carried a full crew of one thousand nine hundred and forty five seamen, plus one thousand four hundred students. Not quite a full dorm. Some like Daniel and Double De had flown home after Pearl. We did pick up some more old folks at the last minute many of them were “over flow Jews” just looking for a room. A bargain price on the trip of a lifetime looks mighty good when you are homeless; come sail on the Great Ark!