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The Great Ark Page 18

  The Gospel Café student group on board was from New Mexico. Their music was called Christian Country Western. They had a lady singer; she was younger than me but not a student, she was middle age. Her husband was her manager and ran sound. She sang but also did one woman Biblical plays. This lady was a younger, more talented Christian much prettier, thinner, darker haired version of Hillary Clinton. Do not tell her I said this, she is very sensitive to any comparison to Hillary Clinton. Her stage name was simply Mia. She had a pleasant personality, and a charming nature. She was truly a treasure. Mia turned out a lot of free Christian music downloads and was very popular with long haul truckers. Her band with its singing steel guitar was very good even without her. When she joined in with them the mixture was magic. Mia’s golden voice would have people standing in the doorways as they walked by on deck. Her husband David and I became close friends and could often be found sitting and talking together between music sets at the ships Gospel Café.

  End of Chapter six.

  Chapter Seven Taco Station

  The Great Ark approached the coast of Mexico only once. That’s when a cobra chopper landed plus sixteen bug like drones. I knew we were back at war. The killing machine was about to start back up again. My heart sank at the thought of more blood. Our ship held back from shore two hundred miles as if there was a magic line in the sea. Our drones patrolled the vast American southwest desert and Mexico with huge drop tanks of fuel. They were looking for many small targets. Once our prey was found they would punch hard and quick killing small and large groups of people at will. Drones used light guns based on m16 rifle ammunition not heavy cannons. No use wasting big expensive bullets on women and children.

  Mexico was a land at war, of revolution, but not for us aboard ship. There was nothing on the evening news so this war did not even exist (ha-ha). All shootings and killings that did “get out” were blamed on drug sellers. We on ship were in a world to ourselves. Often our flight sorties were slack and we pilots were growing slow and lazy, not on top of our game. Ship protection patrols by B48’s or b44’s were routine and uneventful. We left the “dirty work” to the robot killing planes endlessly scanning the desert. Some of the damage assessment photos and reports were so deadly bloody and shocking that any godly mans heart would get sick and revolt.

  The old land owning families of Mexico’s government elite had tripled their price now that America was charging per head for restitution. I guess social democrats did not need to buy any more votes. America was broke, and could not afford any more “Cats.” The term “Cats” was a pop-culture street lingo, and had now turned pilot lingo for run away Mexican slaves. Some say (Central American Terminated Slave) others say (Civil Action Taco Snuff) whatever or combination of it works for you. We earned our keep during our short nine week stay at Taco Station we totaled twenty-four thousand confirmed “Cats.” Captain Coe said it was over thirty thousand but many did not meet confirmation criteria, and I believe him. Joe got a plaque for his office wall from Osoma’s Justice Department, not only for our high killing numbers but for our new “Beetle Bombs.” Our crew had first tested the New “Beetle Bombs” in Africa. Now we had perfected this green environmentally friendly clean up technology. Bags of Beetles would multiply quickly when given a solid food source (dead flesh). Our beetles could strip dead and dying bodies laying in the desert quickly, eating one third of the bones and one half of the clothing. Bags of human only poison and fake water stations also brought us praise. These insects could destroy evidence and clean up the desert behind us thus stopping the spread of disease to innocent people or animals. American officials demanded that we burn hydrogen fuel and drop no empty tanks, so as not to spoil the desert while trying to save it! We were paid $30,000 per Cat from Mexico City plus a bonus from Washington and some states. The ship was paid over $40,000 per “Cat.” No mercy was shown to run away Mexican serfs and slaves trying to escape. The “Cats” problem was seen as a Catholic Church tragedy, forced upon the Elite. The facts are that anywhere you have democratic socialist tyrants in charge the killing will follow like stink on you know what. Socialist economies always need to kill off the excess (unsold) man hours of serfs and slaves to keep themselves in business. Productivity and innovation both always die out quickly under central planning. These flourish and grow only in capitalism and free markets. The poor economic efficiency of the slave system demands the death of the most costly. When an elite group gains power and gets to decide the good of the many out weighs the cost to the few then the rights of the few are lost. Death is always the strange fruit of the Socialist Humanist tree. Death is always where ungodly men and their evil priests lead their foolish sheep. Death is the end result of rebellion against God. Leaders like Bill Ayers, Osoma, Castro, Hitler and Mao. Death is their calling card. This is business nothing personal. Here on the Great Ark we are just the hired game wardens doing the bidding of the current elite in power.

  Most of my flight time at Taco Station was spent on boring ship protection patrols. I thanked God every day that I didn’t have to shoot the escaping Mexican peasants in person. I tried to put it all out of my mind; it wasn’t my fault I didn’t vote for Osoma! Anyway I’m just doing my job, following orders! One popular “Beetle Bomb” video showed numerous beetles feeding on one small child’s body such that it rapidly moved across the sand until it seemingly sat up against some vegetation and waved. The weight of this small body was completely picked up and covered by the large hungry black beetles feeding on it and was horrific to watch. This video kept being sent to my ship phone by other pilots with a “have you seen this one note” It made one sick to the stomach.

  During one of my many Gospel Café big round corner table nights during this period I waxed words with college professor missionary and now friend Tommy Mute over strong Irish coffee. He was a joy to debate and much better than most professor eggheads. Tommy liked to say the phrase “Blessed by the Best” so often that students would shout it out when greeting him. He truly did know God. Tommy did not have much to say when Lou Goodliar was around him. He worked under “Loud Lying Lou” This was the student nickname for Lou in the college B.S. degree program. I learned that night from Professor Mute that in all of Canada and America there were only three elders on the great world committee of twenty-four. In Mexico alone there were also three elders a lopsided imbalance of power by wealthy long term province (slave camp) owners in Mexico. Professor Mute knew of two elders in England, two in the rest of Europe, One joint Japanese and Malaysian citizen, one Saudi Royal, one half Russian- Georgian citizen, Three in China, two in India (one that is Jediah’s Uncle) and Mr. Child the only known Jewish Elder. Tommy guessed that the Pope might be on the list but the rest were completely unknown. The only way to gain this level of wealth in this world is Kingly tyrannical power, with government condoned slave camps lasting hundreds of years. Free men trading with each other and forming large corporations will not lead to this level of power. A Trillion dollars or two is required to start much less play or to win this game. A Billionaire is just a want to be player a millionaire is a poor small business man. Tommy Mute didn’t know much about the number twenty six, or the circle of fifths. He did say something about the Golden mean, and like I said before he did know God. Tommy talked a lot about helping Africa and that the true church had not given up on Africa. Environmentalist world wide had decided that it was necessary that all Africans must die! They had to die to save the planet and all the rest of us. Osoma had sped up the African killing process much to the thrill of European Elite Socialist leaders. Africa would be a wilderness preserve and a vacation destination for the rest of the world. While talking to Tommy Mute that night I knew that my time on the Great Ark must come to an end. My life was unpleasing to God. I was glad to be holiness and knew I had to change my life. God had answered my prayers and now I could see truth but could I handle the truth? Part of me wanted to shut my eyes and turn away, but that would greave the spirit of God living within me. I was in tormen
t. That evening my table was overflowing with students. Many did not want to hear about “Cats” some did not believe the story. The stinking blood and guts of war was unreal to them. Most would not face it; “that has nothing to do with us anyway” students would say. They could not face the ugliness of Osoma their hero because it would reflect poorly on them. Just like Hitler’s Germany the big lie and Government education does work and will hide evil for a season.

  Cornelius started the lesson, he spoke ever so softly.

  Mexico has never been a real country at all. It has been since colonial days a huge Indian reservation, or rather sixteen separate Indian reservations or slave camps owned by eighty families of Spanish Royal and or wealthy Merchant class birth. These royal families owned and divided up everything in Mexico. Land serfs, water rights anything of value. The Royal families used gold or dollars between themselves and educated themselves to English. The serfs or “Indians” the native suckers were paid in Paso’s and were always spoken to in Spanish, the Language of the poor peasant and of the slave. The Paso is a worthless “company store” currency good for buying things only in the local store owned by the Spanish Lords. The so called Mexicans worked for starvation wages while riches piled up in the Royal land owning families. This way of life is modeled after the old European serf system, very close to the cast and slave systems of India and China. The large ranches and agricultural plantations gave way to large industrial plants and shanty towns. Nothing much has changed. America was different! Notice that no large stream of immigrants flooded to Mexico. No! They had to enslave the native Indians. Yes, America was different! Here the old ways of Europe were broken down by the New Christian Education and its beliefs, where bible study was allowed, and the value of a man as equal under God. Also the cheap endless abundant close by good land and a central government that gave away land for a long time to bring immigrants in. This later became the forty acres and a mule deal that helped to break the back of serf systems in America. The land give away was short lived (as always). We should start it up again today. The central government is now the leading problem in America instead of fighting the problem. The central Government still owns most of the land in America. This is a human tragedy and a major earmark of tyranny and corrupt abuse of power. The American central Government owning land in common and then dispensing it to non-royals was one of the earliest and shortest lived communist revolutions (they always fail) in History. Yes my friends there is more than one road to serfdom. That is why freedom is so rare and so precious. Now with the Osoma government and the fall of America into a standard European style democratic socialist fascist government. Plus the end of both Catholic and independent Christian education and all basic beliefs of the teachings of God; the last hope of a free republic on earth has now sunk slowly and quietly into history. Note it was not boys fighting in a field that changed history, or killed freedom. No it was the failure of fathers to teach the ways of God to their children. A free republic can only stand with a Bible educated free public. When Government takes over the education system the fall of freedom is at hand. All false religious teachers know this and practice it always planning on taking control by the next generation. Yes the hand that rocks the cradle does rule the world, this is truth and it always works. This is chapter one in every ungodly worldly Lords, “How to Take Over, Hand Book” The central government should have no role in K-12 education at all. This is simply much too dangerous! In serf systems like Mexico peasants can be brainwashed easily. Remember this fact; ruling class elites know what they are doing and must claim power for minimal cost or face going out of business. If hard working Mexican slaves get undercut in price by starving Chinese slaves the Mexican elite can devalue the Paso or raise the rent (they own everything) or raise taxes or raise prices in the company store. The only way out of this endless poverty and servitude is to make a run for it and brave the harsh desert to join another system. Run to America and become an Englishmen. The sad true facts of the matter is that slavery and brainwashing from birth is so very effective that masters still control slaves after they flee. Masters often use family members still in slavery as a hook. Most people in America have no idea that Mexicans, just like the Chinese cannot freely move from one province (slave camp) to another. They are owned by the owners of that camp. The Government puts check points on all the roads to see who is going where. “Does this sound familiar Americans?”: Imagine the laughs of the elite Mexican families and the socialist democrats in Washington when the few slaves that make it through the long dangerous desert run, then take to the streets of America waving not little flags of Freedom but rather the Flag of the old slave camp owners back home that they just escaped from. These slaves refuse to give up their Spanish slave tongue. Their young men are working hard all over America and saving up not to buy a computer or a real education but to buy shiny rim wheels and fat chrome tail pipes. Even second and third generation Mexicans still act like the barefoot slum kids on the big Mexico City trash piles. Their simple eyes are still on shiny objects and worthless junk. Brown is as Brown does! “The Race,” are you serious (Ha-ha). What kind of race are you Latino boys in? Your votes for Osoma have overturned the American lifeboat that was your last chance for freedom. Yes after four hundred years of poverty and Spanish tyranny, you fools voted in the masters that you just ran away from. You voted in mass to bring old style European Socialism to America; the one damn thing proven to create poverty and misery. You are “The Race” alright; the race of slaves of and by your own hand. Now Osoma has started his safety check points across America just like back home in Mexico. Now there are official government papers and police pat down and searches, just like back home in Mexico. Not to mention anti-gun laws, anti-free speech laws, and open voter fraud. Also polling place intimidations that are not prosecuted and even trained for and encouraged by and paid for by Osoma with tax money. The systematic cold blooded killing of the very old the very sick, and the very weak. The use of broad civil commitment laws, based on the testing by the priests from a false religion called Humanism. These so called doctors can imprison anyone at anytime without a trial, or even a charge. Trial by jury is so rare as to be lost to most citizens. Dare I forget all of the anti-church, anti-ten commandments, and anti-Jewish laws and of course the worship of the earth and Mother Nature? These are the buds and seeds of every socialist, communist government. Oh, I forgot the attack on marriage, morality, and the family through pornography and homosexuality. All of this has been seen before. We know what this bush grows up to be like. History has proven this fact over and over again. Ungodliness, turning against Israel, trade with slave states, counterfeiting of the currency, the hatred of individual freedom and success, love of self, the perversion of homosexuality and rebellion against God has brought down destroyed and sunk America. All the while our king Osoma has been smiling like a retard pirate as America slipped beneath the waves.” One of my young students Kishia Fernandez was having a small nervous breakdown. Hearing truth can do that to a person. It opens up eyes to dirt and can be very uncomfortable. Tommy Mute put his hand on my arm and poured me a cup of Irish coffee. We old timers stayed and talked into the night about banking and currency while the students went off to bed.

  Flying patrol off Taco Station was slow paced but always enjoyable. Lord knows I love to fly these fast little hot rods of the sky. I should quit the Ark and try to break my contract but we “Patty and I” so much needed the ending or balloon bonus pay. Oddly enough I could still get the bonus if terminated, killed, or injured, but not if I quit. During these slow patrols I would leave my student wing man and drop below our hard deck to count whales. This was very much against the rules and First Officer Friday was hounding me relentlessly. His anger knew no bounds. The veins on his neck made very odd strange movements, he was really very impressive. Buzzing fishing boats and cruise ships was also great fun. An Artist friend from back home Mr. Mike Finch was painting the side of cruise ships and was very much in the news lately. I was able to f
ind the ship and loved to buzz him as he worked painting giant pictures of Osoma. Mike had won a government grant. Osoma loved giant pictures of himself. The cruise lines were under public attack for exit paperwork violations. One ship with over six hundred Jews on it had been turned around and confiscated, Osoma said his administration saved America over one billion dollars in lost wealth just from that one ship alone. France would not let the ship fuel or dock. If France had, those sell out Jews would have gotten off Scott free. This show of force against the Jews who were causing much of America’s swift economic collapse was what got Osoma elected the second and third time around. Yes that and also the curious timing of his beloved wife’s shooting. She bravely pushed her girls aside and took part of a birdshot shotgun blast in the butt by shielding her husband just ten days before the vote! The gunman was a white racist preacher who hated the poor Palestinians and all blacks. This Preacher had not allowed a popular black rapper to sing in a youth service at his church in Brooklyn. The preacher was the father of a policeman shot to death by this rapper two years earlier. No charges were ever filed even though his popular song bragged about the killing. Now this preacher’s Youth Family Center named in honor of his son had been fire bombed and painted with the rappers gang symbols on the front door. The popular rapper was at a big White house dinner when this tragic attack happened. Osoma’s popular wife being shot and in ICU on election day stirred white guilt so much that he was narrowly put back into office. The evil preacher gunman was shot to death in the Whitehouse vegetable garden, a lucky almost impossible shot at that distance some shot gun experts say. How this nut case ever got an official invitation is still under investigation by park police and a Justice Department task force with Barnie Frank as its heavyweight chairmen.