The Great Ark Page 19
The very next day while on flight duty again I tried Mike Finch’s cell number just before I dove on his cruise ship. I was playing around trying to force the new B48 to break the sound barrier in a steep dive; so far without success. By playing around too much I got so close to the ship that my planes anti-collision computer took over control of the plane. My back hurt like hell for days. Mike’s phone picked up but he did not have connection long enough to talk. Mike is a talented artist but always falls hopelessly in love with really stupid, crazy, women. You know the type. His giant size picture looked pretty good but it is hard to tell going seven hundred miles per hour. Just like Mao, Castro, Hitler, and Stalin, Osoma loved spending public money on “Art” meaning of course giant pictures of himself. At least Anthony Weiner is not president (ha-ha). The depths of depravity and shame of all humanist socialist democrats seems bottomless endless and is always disgusting. I was glad to see Mike gaining fame and recognition for his years of hard work. My friend deserves success even if it is with government money.
Joe was getting many complaints about my fooling around. Officer Booth warned me that Friday was fuming mad but nothing was ever said. I had invested my sign up bonus and now needed that ending bonus check. I just could not manage to get myself fired, no matter how mad I got Friday. Ole’ First Mate Friday often mentioned how proud it made him feel as a Black man to vote for Osoma. This was one of the greatest days of his life, he would say. Don’t start Cornelius, just walk away; the man is mentally ill. I guess he picks everything in life by color! Friday the man is half and half! How could color be an issue anyway? Oh never mind; never argue with a brainwashed idiot because they don’t even know that they don’t know.
During this slow easy deployment off of Taco Station many of us had extra time for Holy Bible study, and also many late nights at the ships Gospel Café. Oh how I loved that country western sound with its singing steel guitar. During this time I also started having long talks with Captain Joe Coe. He wanted to retire, said he would become a minister. Joe? Are you sure about this calling? Look at your life!
“Look at yourself Cornelius” said Joe Coe “You say you want to work for God and sing Gospel Music with your girl back Home, Patty I believe is her name. Hell Cornelius the smoking gun is still in your hand Mr. Fly Boy hot shot.
That night I thought about what Joe had said and got out the fireball candy on my desk trying to figure this math stuff out. That number twenty six, what made it so special? I just could not understand the math book. I sat in solitude at my desk thinking and praying.
War is hell but my life was a world apart. Life was good on the Great Ark. We pilots flew fast planes our food and red wine was great. Holy Bible study was enjoyable and the Gospel Café was a constant comfort. On the other hand down in the desert there was a hot sweaty bloody killing floor. For these stray “Cats” those poor Mexican runaways’ days were full of fear, hunger, despair and death. The killing paid well, Mexico City and Washington plus some states all paid blood money. The Mexican slums were breeding grounds that put out an enormous flood of unsold human capital each month. Mexican landlords considered them unwanted mouths to feed, not a valuable economic asset. Every Mexican “Cat” that was proved dead was worth its weight in silver at least. I thanked God I didn’t have to shoot the Mexicans in person. Most people on ship gave the matter of the killing drones little or no thought. I tried not to think of the horror, the smell the Beetle Bombs. Hell their own people wanted them dead not me. Not me!
That night at the Gospel Café young student Kishia Gonzalez was back at my table. Why were so many of the young students named Kishia? This Kishia was a very pretty dark shinned girl who talked, walked and dressed like a California Valley girl” wanna be. Her date was a tall officer trainee with big white Kennedy smile and teeth. Drinks were ordered and “Old school” started up class.
Remember my friends, you have been lied to and lied to very often. Just like a mirror the truth often requires a second look and is backward from what you have been taught! Learn to think! Do not follow elite masters like sheep. For example listen to that popular add telling everybody to buy gold on the radio; there is some wisdom in buying gold but look again. Why does this man advertise to sell his gold to you? If buying gold is so smart then why is he selling? Live and die as free men and women under God. The truth is many elite ungodly leaders consider it their right to enslave you. Yes, sadly enough, this is “the way” of the world throughout all of history. This is not God’s way or God’s will for your life. In a free market system how many Psychologist or Psychiatrist doctors would find gain full employment per one million persons? How many have you ever freely paid for their services your self? This group of egghead nut jobs uses the government to empower themselves as the secular priesthood for and of humanism. They work very little,(they are lazy) do even less good, bill very high and pretend to tell the rest of us what is truth. When a disaster strikes a school building the so called “grief counselors” descend like locus on a town much faster than the real clean up crew does. The smell of free government money always brings these worthless flies. Money Government does not have is quickly spent for services not asked for, needed, or wanted to pay false priests who don’t know what the hell their talking about anyway. Often they do more harm than good. Our modern day witch doctors are no better than the ones in every ancient pagan tribe. They are part of the slave system, empowered by tyranny, and a blood sucking leach on society.
The key to being a successful Lord or slave owner is to rule subjects at least cost. Successful masters of this world are very good at what they do. Beware, open your eyes. Why would run away slaves from Mexico come to America for a better life and then wave flags of the slave camp Indian reservation that they just escaped from. This is only one example of effective government education and brainwashing. One recent black conservative presidential candidate dared mention the brainwashing of blacks in America and was destroyed by the state controlled media. They simply said that he had a girl friend, and made advances toward women, and this evil man was booed off the campaign trail, the accusations never proven. Compare this to the near worship of Martin Luther King, Jack Kennedy and Bill Clinton. These three men’s known and documented whores count in the hundreds. When was the last news story you heard about their sex addiction or sickness. Most Americans, much less black Americans have no idea for example that Mexican Citizens cannot move around freely with out going through check points, or that the old Soviet Union under communism used slavery just as China does today. Now safety check points have come to America! When searches at airports started here in America there should have been a revolution. Freedom must always be protected. Freedom, not safety, comes first. The words home of the brave should be taken out of our song. Americans are sheep just like the rest of the world.
Look at the history of Max a Million a nicer tyrant than the lords that followed. He was looking for help from Abraham Lincoln. This is a sad story about the deep roots of old world ways and weeds growing in Mexico. Serfdom grew up partly because the great American Southwest desert formed a natural barrier to migration. This lowered the cost of the serf “slave camp” system. Let us look now at American blacks so as not to “pick on” the Mexican peasants unfairly while we are shooting them by the thousands here at Taco Station. It just doesn’t seem right.
The history of black people in America is a text book example of successful brain-washing of an underclass by their lords and masters. This brainwashing can be broken only by true, honest Christian based education. Brainwashing is kept in place by elite controlled government education and a state controlled media. Remember students; rulers of this world know what they are doing, elite groups lie on purpose to fool their charges, their suckers, or their mark just like the devil does. Let us step back and take a look. Why do modern day American blacks (since government education) always vote in robot clockwork like lockstep for the party of George Wallace and famous Klu Klux Klan leader Bird of West Va. Always vo
ting against the party of Lincoln? Many American Blacks are very sympathetic to both communism and Islam compared to the rest of the population. Most blacks don’t know their own history such as the fact that civil rights laws were passed by republican votes in congress not by socialist democrats, or that Martin Luther King was a republican and that he was spied upon constantly by government agents working for the democratic presidents in power and very likely killed by them.
With the help of the “big lie” controlled media, government controlled dumbed–down schools and greedy crooked ungodly black leaders the Negro population has been played for the fool in mass. Even today half of the black men can’t read and write. This is the hard cold facts. You can fool most American blacks most of the time; this is the party motto of the democrats (sorry Lincoln). How this racist ruling elite was able to fool most blacks to vote for the democratic candidate; how these mostly uneducated people were led to disdain real education as “white” even today is a long sad story of colossal human arrogance on one side and record ignorance on the other. This has been a sad testimony to the natural gullibility of human nature and an inspiration to elite racist snobs all over the western world. European racist socialist are now so envious of the Kennedys’ and their democratic party’s success in controlling the “black man” that they can’t stand it. They can hardly see straight.
My great, great grandfather one Doctor Bell wrote some papers for the Eugenics movement back in Virginia. The Eugenics movement was a fore runner in thought to Nazi Germany, and also gave birth to a killing machine organization unequaled in all of human history. They named it “Planned Parenthood” a big lie successful cover story for the record books. It is the world’s best “big lie” to date. Their purpose was simple! Just as socialist humanist leaders always do was to kill off undesirables. This was defined as “blacks, the old, half breeds of any type, retards and the sickly. The Planned Parenthood office or (killing chamber) was always built in or convent to unwanted minority neighborhoods and most are still there today. The medical standards for these offices did not have to meet the strict standards of other medical facilities. Abortion clinics have their own laws. Free (come kill your baby) abortion services were always offered to willing poor blacks. Poor dirty little white girls had to pay, but only if the baby was a “good one.” This paid for the program and kept it going. The killing chambers have been wide open and successful for many years yes killing off many blacks. Years ago it was projected that blacks would be over 20% of U.S. population by now. But now blacks are still only 13%. This was a tremendous success for elite racist democrats. The evil Democratic Party leadership is so sure of itself that it now pours tax money in to the Planned Parenthood scam speeding up the killing process. Can you imagine getting the Jews to vote for Adolf Hitler? This is how stupid American blacks have been, all because of brainwashing. The next control method was outright voter fraud and intimidation, also the undermining of black churches, and black families by free token gifts. Free muffins at school for breakfast, free surplus government bought cheese. Food stamps and or free rent a welfare check, all free but only if daddy is gone. With the Bible and family destroyed, brainwashing and slavery follows.
Owning his own business was a black mans main chance to gain middle class status in America. For many years slow steady progress was made. Basic business skills and Godly training in finance were and are still laughed at even to this day in government educated black communities. Most often the local small business in a black community is owned by other population groups. Why?
Now here comes the national Democratic Socialist party a long time minority party among working Americans with an elite Islamic, one half black Fascist socialist Osoma candidate. Could he pass the smell test? Who would take the bait? First the controlled TV news quietly brought him out on the main stage and waited. Small positive stories were passed out about a charming new leader. Up and coming they called him. The Media painted and dressed their boy Osoma at each opportunity. All negative or true venting stories were kept off the major “yes sir” air waves and channels. No stories of girl friends for Osoma! A few AM radio “hate” jocks sounded the alarm but their lonely voices soon lost the media war to the “big lie media.” Osoma was black, tall and could speak or at least read clear English, just what the doctors ordered. Also he wasn’t “ace of spades black” a spoon full of cream and sugar would help the medicine go down. Yes powerful men had found their candidate and money rained down from heaven. That is if Bill Ayers and Chicago Mobsters really are angels sent down by God. Well these powerful ruling elite class snobs might not be angels. They might even be ungodly and evil men but they do know their business which is lying, and not letting the truth out. They are also good fishermen and waited just right to set the hook.
Osoma was a difficult devil to hide his horns and tail obvious to any free thinking breathing not blind honest saint of God. Osoma wrote a book (that sounds oddly like his friend Bill) that said some truth! The Black Community grows as kept mushrooms cut off from sunlight and truth. Osoma was against everything that a strong black community should and did long ago stand for. What is a community organizer you ask? A government elite mushroom farmer it’s that simple. Yes Osoma was against everything that the old black community stood for and for their lowest scum. The “Rappers” and pervert black comedians with their balls in one hand and their microphone in the other are an embarrassment to black men everywhere and American culture in particular. I remember one foolish TV sports broadcast argue that the term “mother fucker” is not an offensive cuss word in the black community that black culture was “at that level” and the phrase should not send a player off the court. How low can you go is just “being black” now days thanks to Simmons and others who pump out record levels of filth into America and still expect to be treated with dignity and respect by God loving hard working people? Rappers should all lie down in and be smothered by their own waste just like Larry Flint and other rich white pornographers. They sold out standards to make a quick buck. Why do democrats love this pollution and hate God? Rap music’s gutter mouth filth and lack of taste content or musical talent is well known. No! Osoma is no friend of American back culture or values. Candidate Osoma was an angry wanna be Harvard man who claimed to teach the constitution. That would be like an Islamic suicide bomber teaching Sunday school at Church! His biggest legislative achievement was a post-birth abortion bill. This was true infanticide at the state level. The unwanted baby is just set aside to die instead of giving it simple basic life saving doctors care. Osoma also supported the old black baby killing machine Planned Parenthood with increased funding. Is Osoma Islamic? Is he Black, or even American? I don’t know, don’t even care! I do know what he stands for and who supports him. He is supported by all Islamic and KKK Jew hating groups, the American communist party, socialist, anti-military, anti-church, anti-ten commandments, anti-gun, anti-free speech,(except pornography), anti-growth, pro- homosexual, anti-traditional marriage, anti-property rights, pro abortion, just what team is he on? Anything close to American hearts and values he is against. Osoma is no friend of American blacks. There is a core of Christian American blacks who are not in the crude hip-hop pop culture. Osoma was able to corrupt even them by giving them the pride of voting black (like First Mate Friday), his policies didn’t matter. Many American blacks believed he was “one of them.” Their old masters had won; freedom liberty and America had lost. Sadly almost every black citizen voted for their fellow “brother” and against freedom.
Osoma like all successful democratic socialist politicians in history had his own voter fraud strong arm unit. His was called ACORN. Socialist must always do this (cheat on elections) because they know they must hide who they really are from voters. They know that no sane well informed free man would ever consider voting for them. They also believe that their way of “killing all the Jews for example” or “making all cars electric” or “not burning coal or oil” is necessary to save the world. A Socialist really d
oes believe that their sick movement alone can “change” things for the better. They do after all know better than the ignorant dumb voters anyway. To maintain power, voter fraud by the “faithful” is always needed and encouraged. Of course some people might need to die, some rights lost, some property lost. The good of the many always out weighs the rights of the few.
Next Osoma openly supported strong take away the guns laws that targeted urban black communities and often referred to himself in public as a Muslim. When black Christians by the thousands every week were being killed by Muslims in Africa he sided with the Muslims. No help was sent from Osoma or the black churches. Blacks are fond of calling themselves Afro-Americans, but they don’t stand for freedom. Osoma has dinned at the White House and shook hands with the same hands that have sent rockets in to Israel and killed and beheaded many Christians in Africa. He has also dinned with radical bombers and filthy mouth cop killer rappers. Osoma has brought shame and death to us all. Through out history men have used gun control laws to control minorities, very much so the blacks and Indians here in America. No bigger fool has walked the face of this earth than Osoma himself. Black men who were hung on a tree while their family stood by helpless and out gunned are now turning over in their grave.
Can you hear the elite snob unseen leaders laughter and joy when Oprah helped their cause. Their ugly tar-baby false black candidate was gobbled up no matter the smell. They set the hook and held on. Right on the heels of decades of progress American blacks voted in mass to return to slavery; freedom was too heavy a yoke for them to bear. They were all willing to walk back through those “Massa take care of me” plantation gates. American blacks traded freedom and honest elections for a somewhat dark skinned President. They had believed the boob tube news, and their government school training. They were played the fool as easily as the newly American Mexican serfs.